Gardening Tips

Growing Tomatoes in Visalia, California – Part 2

As we discussed last month, San Joaquin and the Central Valley provide an ideal location for growing delicious tomatoes. Due to our long and hot summers, we can have garden fresh tomatoes throughout the summer and fall. We already discussed the best time to plant and spacing needed. We have compiled a few more questions

How to Care for an Easter Lily

As Easter approaches, we are starting to see the big, fragrant flowers that are a welcome sign of spring. Grocery stores and garden centers are stocking up on potted lilies with their white trumpet-shaped flowers atop a tall, sturdy stem and a sweet scent. Often, we find ourselves purchasing these fully bloomed plants and then

Growing Tomatoes in Visalia, California – Part 1

As gardeners we all know that the best and arguably the only way to eat a tomato is when you grow it yourself. San Joaquin and the Central Valley provide an ideal location for growing delicious tomatoes. We can have garden fresh tomatoes throughout the summer and fall. What is the best way to grow

How to Care for Monstera Plants

Monstera plants have become popular over the past few years in both indoor gardening and home décor. The Monstera deliciosa, which is often referred to as the Swiss cheese plant, is the most recognizable of the Monstera genus. Did you know there are over 50 different species of Monstera plants? We would love to help

The 411 on Getting Rid of Fungus Gnats on Houseplants

We love our plants, and we just want them to be happy and healthy! The last thing we want is to see them suffer at the ‘wings’ of pests. Fungus gnats are annoying little flying creatures that resemble a mosquito but are less damaging and easier to get rid of. Fungus gnats love to find

Planning Your Yearly Visalia, California Vegetable Garden – Part One

It’s officially a new year! We have ushered in 2024 and are off and running toward a new future, new goals, new possibilities, and new growth. Speaking of growth… are you ready to start planning your vegetable garden this year? How do you know when to plant what? We wanted to help you take the

A Year in Review – The Best Luis’ Nursery Blogs of 2023

2023 has bit the dust. As we usher in 2024 we wanted to take a moment and share some of our favorite posts from this year. We know that you’ve all been busy working on those gardens and landscapes, and we are so thankful that you’ve included us in your journey! As we dream of

Embrace the Holiday Spirit with a Visit to your Local Nursery

During the holiday season we take the time to celebrate the beauty of nature and immerse ourselves in festive cheer. Instead of rushing from store to store, why not consider spending time at your local plant nursery. Spending time at the nursery can be a delightful and enriching experience. We wanted to share a few

The 411 on Planting Shade Trees in Visalia, California

When it comes to gardening in Visalia, California, the scorching heat can be relentless. Our area is known for its hot and arid climate, with temperatures often surpassing 100 degrees Fahrenheit during summer months. There is a simple and effective solution to combat the sun’s intensity and create a more enjoyable outdoor space: planting shade

Planting White Sage in Visalia, California: Tips for Success

You may have seen our recent plant spotlight – the Salvia apiana or “White Sage.” This California native has fragrant foliage that attracts pollinators and is said to deter negativity. This Sage is used ceremonially for cleansing and healing in cultures all over the world. With its adaptability to the region’s Mediterranean climate, White Sage

Tips and Ideas for October Gardening in Visalia

The scorching summer heat has subsided, and cooler temperatures create the perfect conditions for gardening. With a little planning and preparation, you can make the most of this transitional month and enjoy a beautiful and productive garden. We wanted to share with you some tips and ideas for successful gardening this month. Plant Cool-Season Vegetables:

Refreshing Your Visalia California Garden with Fall Annuals

As the summer heat starts to fade away and the leaves begin to change colors, now is the time that we start thinking about refreshing our garden with fall annuals. Fall is a wonderful season to embrace new colors, textures, and scents in your Visalia, California garden. There are plenty of annuals that thrive in

Bye-Bye Fungus Gnats: Banishing Pesky Intruders from Your House Plants

Fungus gnats, those tiny flying insects hovering around your beloved house plants, can be quite annoying. To make matters worse they can also damage the roots of your plants. We’ve got you covered with effective methods to bid farewell to these pesky intruders, and get back to enjoying those precious plant babies. Step 1: Identify

Say Goodbye to Mosquitoes: Transform Your Yard into a Bug-Free Haven!

August brings warm summer days and pleasant evenings, making it the perfect time to enjoy our Visalia backyards. However, pesky mosquitoes can quickly turn it into an itchy nightmare. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with some fantastic tips and tricks to help you enjoy a mosquito-free outdoor space that’s buzzing with fun. 1. Get

How to Keep Your Lawn Entertainment Ready

In Visalia, our summer heat can really do a number on our lawns. It’s important to take the time to get our yards ready for the hottest months. During these summer months we use our landscapes to entertain family and friends and we want to keep them looking lush all summer long. We’ve compiled a

Selecting Your Shade Tree Superhero

Summer months can bring many joys as we spend time outdoors in the sunshine. One thing that we can all appreciate is the need for some solace from the sun, or shade after some time outdoors. Here in Visalia, we can have hot days where we need to enjoy some indoors and a/c, but when

Plants That Will Help You to Uninvite Mosquitoes to the Party

Mosquitoes…. the sign that summer is here. We want to be outside, and they want to crash the party. Many of us are looking for natural ways to tell those mosquitoes that they aren’t invited and there are several plants that experts use to deter outdoor pests. Before mosquitos chase you off the porch or

Plants You Can Still Plant in June and July

Did time get away from you? It happens to all of us. We begin the year with the best of intentions and dreams of our bountiful summer gardens and suddenly we blink and it’s June. Does that mean it’s time to put away the gardening gloves and think we’ll do better next year? Nope! It’s

How to Decide if Your Plant is a Lost Cause or Can be Revived

We’ve all done it at least once. We get excited over the nursery sales and spring blooms all around us and rush to the nursery to get all the plants our hearts desire for our yards. We go with the best of intentions and bring home our glorious haul. Life happens, and sometimes we end

How to Have Happy Hydrangeas This Spring

Hydrangeas are known to be summer showstoppers and with some springtime love and maintenance you can help them earn that prized badge of honor. Taking the time and energy during spring to care for your hydrangeas will pay off with lush summer blooms. How can you provide the care that they need? Take the time