Luis’ Nursery won Best of Central California 2022

Luis’ Nursery won Best of Central California 2022

We are so happy to have been voted Best Gardening Store/Nursery in Central California for 2022! As you may have seen on our social media platforms, we posted the good news and wanted to make sure we reiterated how appreciative we are for our wonderful community. We...
Immerse Yourself in Spring at Luis Nursery

Immerse Yourself in Spring at Luis Nursery

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Spring is here at Luis Nursery. Nothing says spring quite like rows of beautiful, fragrant flowers. As you walk the aisles the fragrant blooms transport your sense in time. Breathe deep and soak up memories of...
What to plant in January in San Joaquin and Central Valley

What to plant in January in San Joaquin and Central Valley

Are you looking forward to getting your hands back in the soil this month? The holidays are over, and we are working to find some sense of normalcy and routine. What do you normally like to plant this time of year? Our gardens love our time and attention as they...
5 Immunity Boosting Herbs You Can Grow and Use

5 Immunity Boosting Herbs You Can Grow and Use

With flu season, cold season and the current pandemic many of us are focused on staying safe and healthy throughout this holiday season. Growing medicinal plants and herbs can be an excellent way to support yourself and your family on your wellness journey and provide...
Year in Review – The Best Luis’ Nursery Blog posts of 2020

Year in Review – The Best Luis’ Nursery Blog posts of 2020

2020 was certainly a whirlwind for many of us. This year was full of uncertainty, adaptation, changes and learning creative ways to incorporate old traditions and create new ones. We’ve learned that just like many of the hearty plants we put in our gardens we are...
Fun Fall Activity – Come Walk the Nursery!

Fun Fall Activity – Come Walk the Nursery!

The weather is perfect and it’s a great time of year to come and walk the nursery and get inspired. Fall is a wonderful time to put on a cozy sweater or jacket and take an outdoor stroll. Whenever we stroll, we love to be surrounded by nature and crisp fall air. Here...