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7 Pet Friendly Indoor Plants for Dog and Cat Lovers

We get it. You’re a plant mom or dad AND a pet mom and dad and you’re trying to figure out how to safely marry the two. For those of us who love to fill our homes with plants, but also know that we have curious felines and nosy pups, we need to find pet friendly indoor plants that can allow our blended families to coexist. We’ve compiled a list of 7 pet friendly indoor plants that you can find at your local nursery greenhouse.

1. Ponytail Palm

Ponytail palms are kind of misnamed. They aren’t even palms at all but are instead a succulent. These beautiful little trees have characteristic wispy long and green palms. If you’re looking for a relatively low maintenance plant this is your girl. She can be left outside in bright sunlight during the summer months and is totally cool with being indoors in low light in the winter. She is flexible and will provide you with that beachy feel that will make your home feel like it’s been transported somewhere warm and sandy.

2. Christmas Cactus and Thanksgiving Cactus

These two festively named succulents will make an excellent addition to your busy blended household. They are great for even the most amateur of gardeners and are relatively low maintenance. If you can provide them with some indirect sunlight, they will reward you with reddish pink blooms just in time for the holiday season. These succulents are the gift that keeps on giving because they will live for decades and even will propagate so you can pay it forward to friends and family. Even though these popular plants are non-toxic, you should still discourage those fuzzy family members from nibbling on them as the fibrous plant material can cause gastrointestinal issues.

3. Phalaenopsis Orchid

Orchids? Really? Yes, we know they have a reputation for being difficult to take care of, but there are several types of orchids that thrive indoors and one of them is the Phalaenopsis Orchid. These orchids are native to Southeast Asia and prefer less intense light and warm temps with moderate humidity. The Phalaenopsis orchid is adaptable which makes them a more popular variety. The best part? They are non-toxic to those 4-legged family members.

4. Baby Rubber Plant

Another succulent? Yes, of course! These shiny and compact little plants make an excellent addition to your pet-friendly home. They thrive in indirect sunlight with minimal watering. These little baby rubber plants will look adorable in stylish containers around your house. Fair warning – Do not invite its cousin the Rubber Tree over. Rubber Trees may be bigger, but they are not better… they are quite toxic to your pets.

5. Boston Fern

Boston Ferns love attention and thrive in humid environments and indirect sunlight. Even though these lush, draping ferns are attention seekers, they will get along well with your fur babies. The Boston Fern is non-toxic to pets, and only require regular watering to keep the soil damp and some gentle misted on the leaves. Boston Ferns will pay it forward by absorbing moisture from the air and helping you survive humidity.

6. Blue Echeveria

The echeveria is a succulent that will steal the show with its stunning rosette shape. They will flower for you in the summer in colors from white to red and only require occasional watering. Be careful not to let them be exposed to too much sunlight or they will burn their delicate leaves.

7. Spider Plant

Spider plants are a popular choice for pet-friendly households due to their ability to thrive in a variety of light and temperature conditions. They are easily added to hanging baskets and bonus, they clean your air! The only thing you may need to worry about is that precious feline whapping at the long-legged leaves!

Stop on by the Nursery today and check out our variety of houseplants in our greenhouse!

Kristy Cooper7 Pet Friendly Indoor Plants for Dog and Cat Lovers