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Best selection of California native plants near me

We’ve all heard that using plants that are native to the area is beneficial, but do you know why? In a pinch, using plants that are native to California in the gardens around your home or place of business is a great way to save water, reduce maintenance, remove pesticides, and invite beneficial pollinators for a thriving landscape.

Native plants have the advantage over exotic imports because they have evolved over time to thrive specific to our local climate, soil, insects and animals. This brings us several gardening advantages.

Easy maintenance

While nothing is totally maintenance free, plants that are native to California require significantly less time and resources than most non-natives. They are acclimated to California weather and soil, so require less water, little to no fertilizer, less pruning, and – best yet! – less of your time.

Non-toxic gardening

Native garden plants have also had generations of experience adapting to native pests and diseases. This means you don’t need to resort to pesticides to keep your garden healthy. And your garden, the water runoff, and everything around you will contain less nasty toxins.

Wildlife friendly

Native butterflies, hummingbirds, moths, and other beneficial insects are naturally attracted to plants. The more native pollinators you have, the healthier your garden. To learn more about the benefits of a pollinator-friendly native garden, check out this article: How to attract pollinators to your garden.

You can learn more about the role native-plants play in our state’s ecosystem by visiting the California Native Plant Society website, and be inspired for your own garden by viewing the photos from their 2019 native gardens tour.

How to grow native plants in your backyard

Some people assume that because native plants grow in the wild without a problem, they’ll be easy to grow in our gardens. This is mostly true, however the initial stage when you first plant them may require some extra care. Planting during fall and winter is a good start, as they won’t have to battle extreme heat and drought as they establish themselves.

The best way to create a thriving native garden, though, is to consult with an expert. We invite you to visit us at Luis’ Nursery and consult with our native gardening expert Lesley, who can advise you with everything from selection to maintenance and care for your plants.

Now is the perfect time to visit our main location at 139 S. Mariposa Ave. in Visalia, or call ahead to make sure that Lesley is available at (559) 747-5015. We have a wide variety of plants that are native to the area, with new shipments weekly, that include local favorites such as White Sage, Flannel Bush, Apricot Mallow, Margarita BOP, Narrowleaf Milkweed, Hummingbird Sage, Matijia Poppy, Mound San Bruno, Oregon Grape, California Buckwheat, Callistoga, Ray Hartman, Bush Anemone and more.

Kristy CooperBest selection of California native plants near me