Take all this rain we’ve been having, add some of that famous California sunshine that’s sure to peek out soon, and you’ve got the makings of a gorgeous lawn. If you want to help your garden look great lawn this year, here’s what else you can do to help it shine.

Spring clean your lawn

Spring lawn care is more about creating an environment that support healthy grass and plant growth than anything else. Start by cleaning up dead leaves, twigs and other debris that have gathered over the winter. If you notice patches of your grass that appear matted or are covered with mud from recent rains, use a rake to dislodge the gunk and allow sun and air to get through to the roots and grass seeds below. 

Fertilizing in the spring

If you haven’t yet, apply a pre-emergent before weeds start growing to stop their seeds from sprouting and taking over your yard. (See this article for more information on using pre-emergent herbicides.) You can also use a combination of fertilizer and pre-emergent in one application, which can lower your cost and the time it takes to apply.

Should I seed in the spring or fall?

It’s tempting to buy a bag of grass seed to fill in any brown patches in your lawn, but this is not the best time to do it, especially if you’re recently applied a pre-emergent herbicide. The trouble with most pre-emergents is that they stop seeds from growing – including grass seeds.

However, if you really want to seed parts of your lawn this spring, you can. Just be sure to wait at least 8 weeks after you last applied the pre-emergent. Same goes for adding sod, wait 8 weeks after pre-emergents have been applied to ensure healthy growth.

Don’t forget lawn-care tools

Winter is hard on another important part of a beautiful lawn – the tools you use to take care of it. This includes irrigation systems, hand tools, mowers, etc.

  • Check your irrigations system. Replace any sprinkler heads that are broken. Remove mud or debris that might be blocking others.
  • Give you lawn mower a spring tune-up, either with a professional or at home. Clean and sharpen blades (carefully!), remove any debris lodged underneath, etc.
  • Clean, sharpen and oil pruning shears, shovels, and any other hand tools.

Prepping your yard for a healthy growing season this spring should only take an afternoon or two, and it’s well worth the time and effort. You can easily get all the supplies and advice you need from the nursery and lawn care experts here at Luis’ Nursery in Visalia. We carry everything you’ll need from fertilizers and pre-emergent herbicides to grass seeds, sod, and lawn care tools for whatever task you need. Visit us at 139 S. Mariposa Ave in Visalia and while you’re here check out our wide variety of plants, trees, furniture and other fun and useful elements you can add to your lawn or landscape any time of year.