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Flower or Vegetable Gardens: Is one better than the other?

As many of us are planning our flower or vegetable gardens this spring we may start to wonder which one we should plant. How do we choose? We can look at some pros and cons of flower or vegetable garden and let you choose if you feel one is better than the other. So when it comes to flower or vegetable gardens, is one better, or maybe a third option?

Vegetable Gardens Cons 

  • Beware of pests!

One downside of planting delicious food is that you’re not the only one that finds it to be a delectable treat! There are other critters that are after a freshly grown, tasty snack. Pests and foraging animals can often beat you to the punch and lead to massive crop loss. Hours of work only to feed nature! I mean that’s not all bad, but hopefully they leave enough to share!

  • Beware of the space hog!

Veggie gardens often require raised beds, or lots of containers, which take up space. If you are limited on your outdoor space this could lead to potential problems. Fruits, veggies and herbs need room to grow.

  • Beware of the time commitment!

Vegetable gardens are a time commitment from start to finish. While it is an obviously healthy hobby, it also requires time and effort. You have to plan out the garden, then keep up with the crop rotation, and care for the plants. Every year and all season you will be required to water, weed, prune, trim and harvest. Wash, rinse, repeat. Of course, the benefits are delicious produce, so definitely worth the effort if you have the time.

Vegetable Pros 

  • Save Money!

Growing your own vegetables is often more cost effective, and you can save money that you would normally spend at a market. You usually end up with more delicious produce anyway.

  • Save your Family!

Ok, so maybe not that extreme, but we do know that a family that plays together stays together! Spending time together as a family growing vegetables is a fun family project. You can teach your children how to plant, water and cultivate veggies. Show your children that hard work isn’t something to dread but is often rewarding.

  • Save your health!

Aside from the well-known fact that vegetables are good for your health by their very nature you also have the added benefit of knowing exactly what went into the process of growing them and what you’re feeding your family, when you grow your own.

Flower Gardens Cons

  • Where’s the purpose?

Flowers are aesthetically pleasing, but otherwise don’t have much functionality. Sure, they are nice to be around, but will they make your tummy stop rumbling?

  • Where are the Allergy Meds?

Flowers make pollen, pollen makes noses run! Allergens produced from a flower garden may take away their beautiful benefits.

Flower Pros

  • Bring on the beauty

Flowers as mentioned earlier are aesthetically pleasing. They add beauty and color to your spaces, and a smile to all faces. They are enjoyed by everyone.

  • Bring on the savings

Perennials are a gift that keeps on giving. You plant them once and enjoy them for years to come. They are an investment worth your while.

  • Bring on the space saving

Flower gardens don’t require a lot of space to make a huge impact. They are tiny attention grabbers that will make a punch even in a tiny space.

Now that we know the pros and cons of flower gardens verses vegetable gardens, which would you choose?

Well, what if you didn’t have to?? The best of both worlds is a wonderful word called interplanting. Interplanting is really just a win-win! Why and how?

  • Biodiversity confuses Pests

Planting plants that pests hate next to the ones they love makes it less likely they will damage your crops. Certain flowers repel certain insects and save your vegetables and herbs.

  • Attracts pollinators

Adding in flowers will attract bees and other pollinators that will help your vegetables that tend to have less attractive flowers to succeed and attracts other beneficial insects as well.

It’s up to you what you decide to plant in your garden, but whatever you decide, just have fun! Feel free to stop by with any questions and we can help you with your garden needs.


Kristy CooperFlower or Vegetable Gardens: Is one better than the other?