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How to Create a Garden Your Pets Will Love Too

As pet lovers, it’s not often that we don’t consider our pets when making decisions. Landscaping is yet another place that we can keep them in mind. We want our pets to enjoy the outdoors safely and we can do this by creating a pet-friendly garden. We already know there are toxic plants that we should avoid, but did you know there are tasty plants your pets will enjoy?

Your landscape can be beautiful, unique, and attractive while providing a safe haven your pets simultaneously. That’s a gardening superpower!

Why do pets eat plants?
Animals are smart and intuitive creatures. Your pet can instinctively seek out plants in your yard and consume them for their specific medicinal value. Some of these plants are even home remedies that us two leggers can use. Creating a pet-friendly garden will avoid your pet snacking on plants that have been treated with chemicals and can cause stomach issues. A safe lawn and even a specific pet garden area are a great way to provide healthy green options for your pets to munch on.

Which popular plants should you choose?

Garlic – For human’s garlic is known as an immune booster and it’s easy to grow. Pets shouldn’t eat garlic cloves as it can make them very sick, but the grass that grows from the cloves is a delicious snack for your kitty.

Burdock herb
These beauties will add a pop of color to your garden with their bright purple thistle-like blossoms. You will have to keep them in check as they can take over, but they love rich soil and are known as a traditional medicinal plant. Burdock helps to treat digestive issues, allergies, and kidney issues in your pets.

Astragalus herb
This tall beauty grows from 16 to 36 inches tall and is great for wound care. Astragalus herb produces antioxidants that help to decrease blood sugar and promote healing. It’s also great for digestion.

Milk thistle
If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that can be placed in wither wet or dry soil, this is your guy. Milk thistle is great for liver disorders.

This plant does need a lot of water and excellent drainage, but it’s otherwise an easy to grow plant. Peppermint leaves help with indigestion and nausea. You’ll just need to remember to cut it back regularly to encourage new growth.

It’s easy to make a pet-friendly garden or area for your pets to explore and yet maintain a beautiful landscape that you’ll enjoy. If you have any questions about which plants are safe for your pets, we are happy to help!

Sunshine StanfieldHow to Create a Garden Your Pets Will Love Too