FAQ’s & Tips for Growing Succulents
Q: How often should I water my succulents?
A: Succulents are drought tolerant plants and need their soil to be dried out completely between watering. During the heat of summer, you can water your succulents up to 3 times per week. Watering in winter varies because of wind, rain, and humidity. A basic rule to follow- when in doubt, don’t water.
Q: Can succulents take full sun?
A: The short answer for this is no. In Visalia and surrounding areas (zone 9) most succulents take filtered sunlight, indirect sunlight, or morning sunlight. If you notice dry, brown patches on your succulents, consider the amount of direct sun exposure they are getting and provide more shade if needed.
Q: Why are my indoor succulents dying?
A: Succulents indoors often do not get enough sunlight for them to photosynthesize. If you notice that your indoor (or very shaded outdoor) succulents look like they are ‘stretched out’, it means they are searching for sunlight! Try moving them to an area with more indirect sunlight exposure, or putting them outside. Another factor to consider is the moisture in the air. Things like steam from the kitchen or bathroom can affect the moisture held in the soil which can eventually be the cause of root-rot. Succulents indoors also tend to be more susceptible to a little pest called a mealy bug. It looks like a small, white, powder or piece of cotton that resides close to the stock or stem of the succulent and eats away at the flesh of the plant. Mealy bugs are treatable if you catch them early on.
Q: Do my succulents need a special soil?
A: Yes! Succulents need well draining soil which typically has more sand, perlite, and small pieces of rock. These materials allow water to pass through the soil more quickly, as they do not hold extra water. If your succulents are not planted in a succulent/cactus mix, make sure you are allowing the soil to drain and be completely dry between waterings.
Q: What should I do for my succulents in the winter?
A: The most important thing for winter care is to protect your succulents from the frost. Use frost cloth or a plastic tarp of some kind to cover them at night when temperatures get below 34°F.
Q: How easy is it to grow succulents from cuttings?
A: Propagating can be very easy! After you take your cuttings, you can simply lay them on top of dry soil or cardboard, leaving them somewhere in shade for anywhere between 1-4 weeks without water or fertilizer (a rooting hormone is optional). During these weeks you’ll begin to notice white or red roots pushing from the cutting. You can plant them in soil anytime after roots are present.
Luis’ Nursery hopes these tips for growing succulents are helpful. For more information about succulents, come by and see us. We have an expanding selection of succulents and our experts can answer any questions you have.