Gardening Tips

How to Create a Garden Your Pets Will Love Too

As pet lovers, it’s not often that we don’t consider our pets when making decisions. Landscaping is yet another place that we can keep them in mind. We want our pets to enjoy the outdoors safely and we can do this by creating a pet-friendly garden. We already know there are toxic plants that we

Why You Should Add Ornamental Grasses to Your Visalia Garden

Ornamental grasses are popular mainly because they fit into almost any type of garden theme. You can find them in a lot of different varieties, sizes, and colors. There are a variety of reasons that ornamental grasses would be a great addition to your Visalia garden. We would like to share just a few. Add

Keeping Rabbits and Rodents Away from Tulips

We plant tulips in the fall and patiently wait to see them bloom in our Visalia gardens announcing the arrival of spring. These bulbs shoot up and bring the first signs of spring color to our landscape. Unfortunately, we aren’t the only ones that appreciate tulip bulbs. Rabbits and rodents appreciate them, but for very

Plants That Will Make Your Bathroom Feel Like a Spa

Live plants are a great way to make your bathroom feel like your own personal serenity spa. It’s important when choosing our plants to select ones that are suited for a high-humidity environment. It’s important to choose plants that will tolerate a low-light room and happily live with shower mist. Your plant babies need to

The Best Time to Plant Roses

When is the best time to plant roses? A lot of people think that roses should be planted in April and May when they are already in bloom, but contrary to that belief, February and March are an excellent time to get those roses in the ground. Nurseries often get their stock of roses in

Protecting your Outdoor Plants over Winter

Winter weather can be tough on our outdoor plants. Here in Visalia, we don’t experience temperature extremes like in other areas, but we still have fluctuations in temperatures in the winter months that can negatively affect your plants. This winter, we’ve experienced some interesting weather fluctuations. How can we keep our tender plants safe over

How to Know Which Bareroot Fruit Tree is Right for Your Landscape

You may have seen on Facebook that we now have our Bareroot fruit trees in stock this year. How exciting! You may have a vision of your own beautiful home orchard with its delicious bounty. Maybe your mouth is already watering dreaming up the many delectable culinary creations your harvest will facilitate. Delicious homemade pies,

The Best Climbing Rose Varieties for Visalia, California

Roses provide an instant burst of color to our gardens and can create a ‘scent-sational’ experience for us and our guests. They are generally low maintenance, and each variety has its own specific demands and maintenance needs. Many landscapers think that you should wait until spring, (April and May), to plant roses when they are

How to Care for Raven ZZ plants

Have you heard of Raven ZZ plants? Though rare in many areas, this plant has been gaining in popularity. They have become easier to find, and you can find them in garden centers, nurseries and even some big box stores. Guess what? We have them at Luis’ Nursery, and we’d love for you to come

9 Flowers to Grow During Winter in Visalia, CA

Living in Central California we have the benefit of milder winters. It doesn’t often freeze in our zone, and without freezes we can have pretty foliage and winter flowers all year long. There are numerous plants to choose from, and you can choose depending on your needs. Some serve multiple purposes and are great additions

Protecting Outdoor Plants Over Winter in Zone 9

Winter is quickly approaching and it’s important to know how to protect your plants from colder temperatures, wind, and occasional freezes. Even though our area is known for milder winters it’s still important to protect tender plants. One of the advantages of living in Visalia and throughout the Central Valley is our ability to garden

Planting and Growing Onions in Visalia California

Do you want to try your hand at planting and growing onions here in Visalia? Onions are surprisingly easy to grow. Now, is the best time to plant here in our growing zone 9. Onions are a cool-season vegetable and will do best when planted before the soil or air warms and without the danger

Best Houseplants to Liven up your Living Spaces

Houseplants are known for their various benefits from ease of care to air purification to calming affects. Even when you lack a green thumb, houseplants can be your best friend, because they are often low maintenance and easy to care for. These décor lifesavers are known to boost health and wellbeing while breathing life into

How to Create a Scented Garden

Have you heard of a scented garden? Sure, we all like to stop and smell the roses, but what if you had a garden that smelled glorious all year long instead of just a few weeks in the summer? The most beautiful gardens captivate all the senses. Creating a garden by selecting plants that will

Best Plants for Your Low Water Garden

We are water conscious in the Visalia area and as responsible caretakers of our portion of the Earth we want to create beautiful spaces that deliver outstanding landscape color without guzzling water. We’ve compiled a list of a few beauties that you can add to your landscape. Emu Bush This Australian native would be a

How to Care for Garden Wildlife During Summer

Here in Visalia California and the San Joaquin and Central Valley we are no stranger to hot summers. Many of us seek out water holes to cool down, cold drinks and the shade of beautiful trees to help us to endure the heat while enjoying the outdoors. As gardeners we often design our landscapes to

Protecting Your Garden During Extreme Temperature Changes

Climate change has affected all of us, especially as gardeners. Crazy weather has become the norm and affects most parts of the world. Even when Meteorologists attempt to forecast conditions, strange weather patterns interrupt randomly. Plants are exposed to weather that is too cold, too hot, too windy, drying conditions, flooding and more that can

How to Grow Squash in Containers and Pots

Sometimes we have big garden dreams and limited garden real estate. Squash plants are prolific and come in all shapes, sizes and flavors. One way to grow squash when you have limited space is to grow them in containers and pots. When growing in containers and pots you can control the soil quality and keep

10 Heat Loving Flowers and Vegetables for your Visalia Garden

In the San Joaquin and Central Valley, we are not strangers to heat. Here in Visalia, our summer highs are often around 96 degrees. With this average summer heat, we want to plan and prepare our gardens for surviving the summer battle. Some of us may wonder what the best flowers and vegetables to plant

How to Become an Herb Gardening Superhero

We all love herbs; they add flavor and diversity to our dishes and are easy to grow. Herbs require little attention and are amazing as pollinator plants that add color and interest to your landscape. One thing that many of us run into is what to do with all the herbs we grow and how