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How to Keep Your Lawn Entertainment Ready

In Visalia, our summer heat can really do a number on our lawns. It’s important to take the time to get our yards ready for the hottest months. During these summer months we use our landscapes to entertain family and friends and we want to keep them looking lush all summer long. We’ve compiled a few tips to help you have a happy and healthy lawn.

Be mindful when watering
In the San Joaquin and Central Valley, we already realize that water conservation is important. There is a careful balance between keeping our landscapes beautiful and protecting the environment, especially in times of drought. Many have opted for native or natural gardens, but there are those of us that enjoy having a green lawn for our families to enjoy. When watering there can be the danger of under-watering or over-watering.

It’s important to monitor when and how much you water. In the summer, we want to water deeper and less frequently. A good rule of thumb is water about 1 inch a week. You can use something to measure if that helps. Watering deeply will allow the roots to grow deeper and be more self-sustaining during the summer heat or a drought. The best time of day to water is during the early morning or late evening hours. This will allow the water to absorb instead of being evaporated by the heat.

Know when to fertilize
Brown spots and holes in the yard are just a couple of things that you’ll need to treat to keep your lawn looking healthy. You can add grass seed to re-grow in these areas as needed. Fertilizing your lawn twice a year, in the summer and the fall, will provide the love that your lawn needs. An organic fertilizer is a great choice, but you’ll need to apply more if you use it. Other options include a slow-release fertilizer, or you can use compost or manure.

Add your personality to your landscape
Our yards are something that we can always personalize to our liking. You can allow your yard to reflect your identity. Do you want your yard to be a restorative oasis or a lively space for entertaining? Once you decide you can add items that represent your personal style. Find fountains, furniture, sculptures, and plantings that match your taste, and you can add visual appeal and warmth to your landscape.

Your lawn only needs a little bit of love and care, and it will reward you with lush, green beauty for years to come. If you have any questions about keeping your landscape beautiful, we would love to help, please stop on by the nursery anytime.

Sunshine StanfieldHow to Keep Your Lawn Entertainment Ready

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