Garden Crafts

Best Plants for Your Low Water Garden

We are water conscious in the Visalia area and as responsible caretakers of our portion of the Earth we want to create beautiful spaces that deliver outstanding landscape color without guzzling water. We’ve compiled a list of a few beauties that you can add to your landscape. Emu Bush This Australian native would be a

Garden Inspired Gifts for Mother's Day

Mother’s Day: Garden Inspired Gifts

Are you feeling crafty? With Mother’s Day just a few weeks away we are starting to think about what we’d like to surprise our mom with this year. Our garden loving moms will appreciate these simple and cute handmade craft ideas for Mother’s Day. You can make these together with your kids and make one

Using Pottery to Brighten and Uplift your Space | Luis' Nursery Visalia

Using Pottery to Brighten and Uplift your Space

Using pottery is a simple and easy way to spice up your home décor and add personality to your indoor and outdoor spaces. Here at Luis’ Nursery we have a wide selection of pottery varying in sizes, styles, colors. These are perfect for indoor or outdoor, and we bring in new inventory regularly. How can

What to plant in January in San Joaquin and Central Valley

Are you looking forward to getting your hands back in the soil this month? The holidays are over, and we are working to find some sense of normalcy and routine. What do you normally like to plant this time of year? Our gardens love our time and attention as they prepare to bless us with

How to Brighten up your Winter Table with Thrillers, Fillers and Spillers

Winter is here, but we don’t have to be blue! There are many wonderful things about this season. While this year may look different than years past, we can still find ways to bring happiness and joy into our spaces and reminders of all the things we are a grateful for. One way to bring

Gardening Arts and Crafts – Pressed Flowers

Are you looking for a fun DIY project this fall? This is the time of year when we start to spend more time indoors and look for ways to harness our creativity to create fun crafts we can share with others. One fun craft project is using pressed flowers for art, cards, ornaments and more!

Gardening Arts and Crafts: How to make Succulent Pumpkins

It’s officially Fall! We can’t believe how fast this year and summer have flown by. It’s now the time of year that we look forward to crisp fall air, delicious baked goods, and comfy sweaters. With Halloween and Thanksgiving on the horizon we are often looking for new ideas to decorate our homes and gardens