My Blog

What growing zone is Visalia?

What planting zone is Visalia, California? Does it Really Matter?

We all know the fundamentals of gardening. We are taught early on that plants need light, good soil and proper water. We are educated on the best fertilizers we can use, ideal spots to plant, and which plants are annuals vs. perennials. One thing that some of us don’t realize has a large or even

How to garden safely during fire season

Safely Gardening During Fire Season – Part Two

The smoke is still here and the fires around us are sadly still blazing. How can you protect yourself and your plants while gardening during fire season? We are experiencing drought here in the San Joaquin and Central Valley, something we’ve reluctantly grown accustomed to each summer. We have adjusted our strategies, changed up our

Fall Gardening in Visalia

Fall Gardening in Visalia

Summer has just about skated right out the door and fall is coming. Now is the time to let your fall gardening ‘fall into place’. It’s time to start planning for our fall gardening. What should we be planting now? Here are some ideas for fall gardening. What to plant now We probably won’t experience

Stay safe gardening during fire season

Safely Gardening During Fire Season – Part 1

So, I bet you didn’t know that we now have an extra season? Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer… Fire Season. Every year are noticing an increasing number of wildfires throughout California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. We see the effects of the smoke all around us here in the San Joaquin and Central Valley, but some may

Landscaping during a drought

Landscaping During a Drought

Landscaping during a drought has become something that we’ve had to become accustomed to in the Central Valley. While we all appreciate having a gorgeous yard, we also must appreciate our need to respect the environment and be good stewards of the Earth. But how can we have the attractive landscape we desire and still

should you be deadheading you flowers?

Should you Deadhead your flowers?

First of all, what is deadheading anyway? It sounds like a heavy metal band name out of the 90’s, but it’s an actual gardening term. Deadheading a plant is when you cut off the flowers of the plant which are dead or dying. The sure sign of a dead or dying flower is a wilted,

Summer Mulch to Help Fight Drought

Mulch in Summer to Help Fight Drought

We are once again facing a drought this summer, but we won’t let it rob us of the joy of gardening. One way that you can give your garden a leg up is by using mulch to improve water movement into the soil surface. Mulch slows the velocity of overland water flow helps absorption of

Which is Better, Flower or Vegetable Garden?

Flower or Vegetable Gardens: Is one better than the other?

As many of us are planning our flower or vegetable gardens this spring we may start to wonder which one we should plant. How do we choose? We can look at some pros and cons of flower or vegetable garden and let you choose if you feel one is better than the other. So when

Easy to grow fruits and vegetables

7 Easy to Grow Fruits and Vegetables

We all love fruits and vegetables and we would love to have a garden full of them, but maybe we don’t have the greenest thumb or the most time in the world. What do we do? One way to get a leg up is to choose easiest to grow fruits and vegetables. We’ve compiled a

Curb Appeal Helps Sell your Home | Luis' Nursery Visalia

The 411 on Enhancing your Curb Appeal to Sell your Home Faster

You only have one chance at a good first impression of your home to a buyer. The first time a buyer drives up to your house they will already have an emotional reaction to the home based upon the curb appeal. This means curb appeal is your secret weapon to making your home enticing right

Visit Luis Nursery

Immerse Yourself in Spring at Luis Nursery

Spring is here at Luis Nursery. Nothing says spring quite like rows of beautiful, fragrant flowers. As you walk the aisles the fragrant blooms transport your sense in time. Breathe deep and soak up memories of childhood, travels, adventures and days spent in nature or your garden. The nursery is full of beautiful, healthy plants that will bring a smile to your face and inspiration to your heart for your garden dreams.

What to plant in April

What to Plant in April in Visalia

Spring is here! We are so happy to see all of the flowers starting to bloom and hear the birds singing. Knowing what to plant in April is key to our gardens surviving the summer. In Visalia, spring is a beautiful season to get outside and get your gardens summer ready. As more and more

Garden Inspired Gifts for Mother's Day

Mother’s Day: Garden Inspired Gifts

Are you feeling crafty? With Mother’s Day just a few weeks away we are starting to think about what we’d like to surprise our mom with this year. Our garden loving moms will appreciate these simple and cute handmade craft ideas for Mother’s Day. You can make these together with your kids and make one

Time to Plant your Summer Kitchen Garden

There’s nothing more enjoyable than cultivating your own vegetables from your garden. Fresh, homegrown vegetables thrown on the grill or added to your favorite dishes are a delicious reminder that warm weather is here again.

Discovering the Beauty of the Cottage Garden

Spring is swiftly approaching, and we are all excited to get back into our gardens, get our hands dirty and create the garden of our dreams. Sometimes when our world is full of changes, and the ‘new normal’, it’s refreshing to embrace the beauty in the chaos. Structure, formality and routine all have their place,

Using Pottery to Brighten and Uplift your Space | Luis' Nursery Visalia

Using Pottery to Brighten and Uplift your Space

Using pottery is a simple and easy way to spice up your home décor and add personality to your indoor and outdoor spaces. Here at Luis’ Nursery we have a wide selection of pottery varying in sizes, styles, colors. These are perfect for indoor or outdoor, and we bring in new inventory regularly. How can

Ordering Sod is easy as 1, 2, 3

Are you planning ahead and thinking about ordering sod for your landscape? We want to help you take the stress out of ordering and let you know how the sod ordering process goes. Here at Luis’ Nursery, we like to take the guesswork out of your landscaping so you can focus on the task at

What to plant in January in San Joaquin and Central Valley

Are you looking forward to getting your hands back in the soil this month? The holidays are over, and we are working to find some sense of normalcy and routine. What do you normally like to plant this time of year? Our gardens love our time and attention as they prepare to bless us with

5 Immunity Boosting Herbs You Can Grow and Use

With flu season, cold season and the current pandemic many of us are focused on staying safe and healthy throughout this holiday season. Growing medicinal plants and herbs can be an excellent way to support yourself and your family on your wellness journey and provide excellent alternatives for traditional treatments. Here in the San Joaquin

Year in Review – The Best Luis’ Nursery Blog posts of 2020

2020 was certainly a whirlwind for many of us. This year was full of uncertainty, adaptation, changes and learning creative ways to incorporate old traditions and create new ones. We’ve learned that just like many of the hearty plants we put in our gardens we are resilient, and we will fight to grow and thrive.